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DollLeaves Christmas Event!

doll leaves centaur msd mili event

Merry Christmas!  Here is the details of our Christmas Event:

Time: 25th Dec 2019 — 20th Jan 2020 

1. Purchasing Doll Leaves basic dolls equal or over USD550( Not include special edition, separate accessories order and shipping fee), will get a gift blank doll Mili , can choose Normal or White skin. 

2. Mili is  2019 Christmas Special edition, will be discontinued after event.

Order Mili today!

3. New MSD doll Fei available as a full set now for a limited time!

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Fairyland 2019/2020 Nanuri Event Starts NOW!

Introducing Erda- Spirit of the Dragon

Customers are eligible to receive the following gift items for orders placed during event time period.

Event Items:

  • $250 or above: 2020 Calendar
  • $650 or above: Minifee Head (19/20 Nanuri)
    • Beautiful White or Natural
  • $850 or above: Feeple60 Head (19/20 Nanuri)
    • Beautiful White or Natural

Remember to KEEP CALM and DO NOT RUSH!

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Little Monica Special Skin Event!

little monica skin color event

On this coming 25 November, special skins, “Soft Choco” and “Snow Purple” will be released.

Innocent Sophia and Innocent Enrill which will be released on December could be purchased with these special skins.

These special skins will be exhibited on off-line exhibitions held on Seoul and Busan this December.

Special face-up with Soft Choco skin as exhibition limited product will also be prepared.

Please kindly note that these special skins will not be released again later than 2019. Event ends Dec. 30, 2019

Detail information for these special skins will be unveiled on 25 November.

We look forward to have your interest and love for these special skins.

Click here to order: